Air National Guard Mobile Emergency Operations Center (ANG-MEOC)

  • Published
  • By TSgt Rebecca Tongen
  • 133rd Airlift Wing
Over 60 personnel, both civilian and military, attended an Air National Guard Mobile Emergency Operations Center, (ANG MEOC) Open House, hosted by the 133rd Airlift Wing's Civil Engineering Squadron's Emergency Management Office, Nov. 26,2013, here.

The goal of the event was to increase the knowledge of the Joint military and local community on the various Domestic Operations response and support assets. The attendee focus was toward the Joint Forces Headquarters' personnel, Volunteer Organizations, Community Emergency Management and Emergency Services agencies.
Members within the Emergency Management flights from the 119th Wing, 133rd Airlift Wing, 148th Fighter Wing and 934th Airlift Wing conducted three hours of MEOC familiarization training, as well as discussing the various Wing response capabilities to include; chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear detection and monitoring equipment, debris removal, and Security Forces Riot Control equipment.

This training increased the understanding of the trailers capabilities; specifically the startup, safety, communications capabilities and shutdown. Additionally, they were able to compare the ANG's resource to the local counties and cities that have a similar asset already in place and determine when and how the MEOC could be tasked to arrive at an incident.

Overall, the feedback from the Joint military and local agency personnel, the ANG MEOC Open House turned out to be a great success! The support from Security Forces getting the personnel approved to drive through the gates to the signs the Civil Engineer Squadron posted directing the personnel where to park were critical to the success. At the end of the day, it not only portrayed the Wing and the Guard to be extremely organized and prepared but also willing embrace the whole community concept in preparing for a disaster though conducting interagency coordination.